Located in a flat area about 30 meters high above sea level, Selinunte takes its name from Selinon, wild parsley. It was founded by settlers of Megara Hyblaea guided by 'ecista Pammilos, in the seventh century BC Immigration subsequent colonists megaresi sicelioti there were both in recent decades is the seventh throughout the sixth century to the beginning of V. Selinunte tried to establish colonies in the western Sicily (Heraclea). When, at the beginning of the fifth century divamp� the war between Greeks and Carthaginians of Sicily, which ended with the battle of Himera in 480, Selinunte, strangely, chose ally with Carthage. He had many strong contrasts with Segesta until 409, the year of his own destruction occurred by the Carthaginians. Selinunte so was subjected to the domain of Punici that fortified and reconstructed, in the first stood where the acropolis: the archaeological remains have a mixed village, Punic and greek. The domain Carthaginian, lasted until the Punic War. Carthage, to defend themselves from attack Romany, decided to concentrate its forces Lylibeo, transferring the population of Selinunte, destroying the city and abbandonandola to ruin. A violent earthquake in a century X or XI ended perhaps reduced to a pile of ruins monuments of the ancient city. In the second half of the sixteenth century, the city was rediscovered by historian Thomas Fazello. In 1823 the British undertook excavation.